The Kashunamiut School District Finance Department is charged with ensuring that public resources in which we are entrusted are expended according to Federal and State Laws and regulations, Board Policy, and Standard Operating Procedures. The District adheres to the State of Alaska Uniform Chart of Accounts and Account Code Descriptions for Public School Districts under the direction of the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development.
The Finance Department is responsible for all aspects of school district money management including budgeting, accounting, payroll, accounts payable, purchasing, cash receipts, audit preparation, financial grant management and financial reporting. The Department consists of 3 individuals who perform accounting functions for all funds for the District and provides leadership and support for the Chevak School and other departments programs.
Two of the primary communication tools of this department are the annual Budget and the Annual audited Financial Statements. These documents are available on the District website. The preliminary budget is developed after enrollment projections and is presented to the Board and community in March. The Board seeks community and stakeholders input before action is taken after three readings and normally approved in May.
Expenditure and revenue reports for all funds are presented at each monthly Board meeting. The Board approves all expenditures in excess of $50,000 per Board Policy. The board also approves monthly check registers. An annual independent audit of the District’s financial records is conducted in September or October and a copy of that Annual Financial statement is send to the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development and other agencies once it is reviewed by the Board.
Lucienne Smith
Contracted Chief Financial Officer
AlaskaEducation & Business Services, Inc.
Cell 907.301.5050
[email protected]
Antonia Moses
BusinessManager and Payroll Officer
[email protected]
Stella Lake
907.858. 6194
[email protected]